Global Leaders in Expert Evidence

With over 3,500 experts across the globe, spanning all medical disciplines, a team of in-house specialist investigators, advanced technology portals, and an array of innovative fixed fee services, TMLEP has increasingly become the go-to partner for organisations seeking cost-effective, reliable medical evidence.

Learn more about how we can partner with you, to solve your expert evidence requirements.

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Who We Work With

From our offices in the UK and Australia, we primarily provide services these types of organisation:

Defendant Firms

City of London tower block skyline

Investigating claims for insurers, often at scale, has its challenges. Trust TMLEP to deliver cost effective, quality expert evidence so you can accurately advise your client on their liability.

Claimant Firms

Solicitor with client wearing a neck brace

Partner with TMLEP to improve your profitability, and provide your clients with improved access to justice


Professionals sitting at a desk in a meeting

Evidence to ensure conduct is appropriately assessed, and standards upheld.

Police and Coroners

Police tape in focus with 3 police officers blurred in background

Evidence to provide forensic clinical clarity, and closure.

Key Contacts

Recent Related Clinical Learning Articles

Strep A and the Risks of Delayed Diagnosis

Strep A and the Risks of Delayed Diagnosis

Strep A (group A streptococcus) is a highly contagious bacteria that can cause different infections ranging from minor illness to death in a very small number of cases. Often people can carry the bacteria without developing any illness. Strep A can be prevented though good hygiene but there is no…

Read Article 14 Dec 2022

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