Our Clinical Governance Team

Chaired by Professor Ian Maconochie, our Clinical Governance Team provides clinical supervision and quality assurance to the TMLEP Practice, ensuring that our clinical services are authoritative and accurate and that our 1,500 clinical members represent leading minds in their speciality.

3d render of repeating wavy lines

Our Governance Team

Portrait image of Ian Maconochie


Clinical Director | Chair of Governance Team

Portrait image of Jason Bernard

Jason  Bernard  M.B. Ch.B. F.R.C.S. FRCSEd CCST MD

Consultant Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery

Portrait image of Colin Bicknell

Colin  Bicknell  B.M., M.D., F.R.C.S.

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

Portrait image of Lucy Botting

Lucy  Botting  MSc, BSC

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Nurse Tutor, District Nurse and Independent Nurse Prescriber

Portrait image of Jocelyn Brookes

Jocelyn  Brookes  MB BS FRCP FRCR

Consultant Vascular Radiologist

Portrait image of John Cannon

John  Cannon  MBBS (Hons) MSc PhD MRCP

Consultant in Respiratory Medicine

Portrait image of Christopher Connolly

Christopher  Connolly  MBChB FRCEM RCPathME

Consultant in Emergency Medicine

Portrait image of Kurt Cornish

Kurt  Cornish  MD FRCOphth MSc

Consultant Ophthalmologist and Vitreo-Retinal Specialist

Portrait image of Jacob de Wolff

Jacob  de Wolff  FRCP

Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine

Portrait image of Elli Demertzi

Elli  Demertzi  MB BS MD

Consultant Medical Microbiologist

Portrait image of Dafydd Edwards

Dafydd  Edwards  BSc MBBS FRCS (Tr & Orth) MD DMCC RAMC (D S Edwards Ltd)

Consultant Surgeon, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Upper Limb

Portrait image of Helen French

Helen  French  BSc Diagnostic Radiography PgC PgD

Radiographer/Sonographer Ultrasound Director

Portrait image of David Gaunt


Consultant in Emergency Medicine

Portrait image of William Glazebrook

William  Glazebrook  MB BS, DipIMC, FRCEM

Consultant in Emergency Medicine

Portrait image of Ladan Hajipour

Ladan  Hajipour  Consultant Orthopaedic Hand and Wrist Surgeon

Portrait image of Richard Hull

Richard  Hull  MA(Cantab), MB BChir, FRCP, MRCP(UK), PhD

Consultant Nephrologist and Consultant Physician

Portrait image of Walayat Hussain

Walayat  Hussain  BSc (Hons) MB ChB MRCP (UK) FRACP FACMS

Consultant Dermatologist & Specialist Dermatological Surgeon

Portrait image of Amir Hussain

Amir  Hussain  MBBCh MRCGP

General Practitioner & GP Trainer

Portrait image of Raghbir Khakha

Raghbir  Khakha  MBBS, BSc (Hons), MSc FRCS (Tr&Orth)

Consultant Trauma and Specialist Knee Surgeon

Portrait image of Stephen Kriss

Stephen  Kriss  MPhil FCPodS

Consultant Podiatric Surgeon

Portrait image of Charis Kyriakides

Charis  Kyriakides  MD, FRCS (Gen Surg)

Consultant General /Upper GI Surgeon

Portrait image of Neil Langridge

Neil  Langridge  DClinP MSc MMACP BSc (Hons)MCSP

Consultant Physiotherapist

Portrait image of Basheer Peer Mohamed

Basheer  Peer Mohamed  FRCPCH CCT ( Paediatrics ) MBBS

Consultant Paediatrics and Neonates

Portrait image of Jonathan Norman

Jonathan  Norman  MBBS, MRCP, FRCA, FFPMRCA

Lead Consultant in Pain Management

Portrait image of Christopher Nutting

Christopher  Nutting  BSc MBBS MD PhD FRCP FRCR MedFIPEM FMedSci

Professor in Clinical Oncology

Portrait image of Paraskevas Paraskeva

Paraskevas  Paraskeva  BSc, MBBS, PhD FRCS

Consultant General, Colorectal and Laparoscopic Surgeon

Portrait image of Dominic Paviour

Dominic  Paviour  MBBS BSc PhD FRCP

Consultant Neurologist

Portrait image of Lorna Phelan

Lorna  Phelan  BM BS MRCOG RCOG, RCR/RCOG Diploma of obstetric scanning.

Consultant Obstetrician

Portrait image of Sanjay Purkayastha

Sanjay  Purkayastha  BSc, MBBS, MRCS, MD, FRCS

Consultant Surgeon (Specialist Interest in Bariatric & Upper GI Surgery)

Portrait image of Ben Rudge

Ben  Rudge  MBBS FRCS

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Portrait image of Michael Savvas

Michael  Savvas  MBBS FRCOG

Consultant Gynaecologist

Portrait image of Kevin Shotliff

Kevin  Shotliff  MB, BS, MD, FRCP, DCH

Consultant Physician Diabetes and Endocrinology

Portrait image of Luke Smith

Luke  Smith  MBBS FRCP (UK) (Acute) M.Sc. (Med Tox) DFMS RCPathME

Consultant Acute Physician

Portrait image of Aung Soe


Consultant Neonatologist & Neonatal Research Lead

Portrait image of Adrian Tang

Adrian  Tang  M.A. (Oxon), MRCP (UK), FRCR

Consultant Radiologist (Hepatobilliary, GI, ENT Head and Neck Oncology)

Portrait image of Wayne Thomas

Wayne  Thomas  BSc MB BS MRCP(UK) FRCPath

Consultant Haematologist

Portrait image of Guy Thorburn

Guy  Thorburn  FRCS(Plast), MA, BMedSci, BM BS

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Portrait image of Donald Whitaker

Donald  Whitaker  FRCS C-Th (Ed),MD,MB ChB,BSc

Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon